Not sure who has caught the interview Jimmy Kimmel conducted on Larry King Live last Friday (he was guest hosting) with editor Emily Gould from Gawker.com, but this man clearly has lost his "sense of humor".
Just as a quick background, the main beef was with one of Gawker's cheesy features called the Gawker Stalker Map. Kimmel and his cronies guesting on the show maintain that it helps stalkers and paparazzi terrorize the lives of celebrities. For those that are not regular readers of the site, the map is a (rarely a up to the minute) representation of where celebs are. It's mostly where they have been. Like three hours ago. It's also VERY tongue and cheek. Hardly taken seriously by anybody with some common sense. I find it very hard to believe that a professional paparazzi uses Gawker.com to find out where celebs are. They are ahead of the game. They are waiting outside the celebs home. Don't you watch E! - they are all outside Britney's house in Malibu. Also, they have all sorts of electronic gadgets like GPS, and two way walk-talkies - not to mention cell phones. They aren't checking Gawker.com for leads. And if they are.. they should rethink their vocation.
Truth be told, the map is kinda dumb and I can see the potential danger if used by the wrong people (i.e. people that are insane), but how the interview erupted into an attack on Gawker itself was completely ridiculous. It took a hard left turn from criticism of the Map to how Gawker is full of slanderous and libel content. Ummmm.. its a blog! Its not Time Magazine!
And can somebody please tell me who the hell is Jimmy Kimmel to even try to have this conversation?! He is a completely biased party who apparently has a personal vendetta against the site (they made fun of him back in the summer of 2006). Boo to CNN for allowing him to make this interview into a personal attack on the site.
Perhaps the most mind boggling thing to me is that Kimmel was actually serious in his anger and accusations. This is the same man who no more than 6 years ago was on a Comedy Central program called the "Man Show" where one of the highlights was to have buxom females jump on a trampoline in bikinis for enjoyment.
My personal favorite bits of the interview are -
- Jimmy's "experts" are Michael Jackson's lawyer, and Isiah Washington's publicist. Wow.. that's some client list guys. How do you even have time to come on the show? Don't you have your hands full?
- When Jimmy Kimmel says he "doesn't understand why anybody would buy advertising on a website"- ummm to reach consumers? Why buy ads on the Jimmy Kimmel Live Show? So you can actually have a show? Idiot...
- When Kimmel says it's stupid and silly to think that all celebrities have money. Umm don't they?
- When Jimmy Kimmel basically tells Emily Gould she should re-examine her life because she is going to hell in a hand-basket. Good thing he took time to re-examine his and went from a beer guzzling frat boy to a holier-than-thou elitist. Nice suspenders buddy...
But that's just my opinion. Judge for yourself. Just make sure you agree with me. :)