Halloween Rant
What the hell is wrong with people today? The costumes women are wearing on Halloween these days have really gotten out of hand. I was at the West Village Halloween Parade last night, and it was astounding how many girls I saw there parading around in their underwear, butts hanging out... What is this - 19th century Paris? I don't recall buying a ticket to the Moulin Rouge! Put some damn clothes on!
I remember when Halloween was an excuse to don a cute little costume and go get some candy. Maybe even do a little mischief, watch a scary movie - basically have the chance for one day to somebody you are not. Why would anybody want to purposely be slutty? Is that an attribute people seriously consider desirable in a woman? I mean beyond the Frat house? Does anybody ever say - hey I am sure glad my mom is slutty! No, of course not!
I can't even begin to tell you how many Slutty Little Bo Peeps I saw, or Slutty Cops, or (and this really blows my mind) Slutty Rainbow Brites! Rainbow Brite is NOT supposed to be slutty! She is an icon of my youth! She and Starlite used to ride the rainbows of Rainbow Land and end the mischief cause by Murky and Lurky!! .... ... Where was I?
Look, I really have no problem with slutiness on its own. Let it be your way of life if that is what you want! Just don't use an otherwise fun time of year as an excuse to be one. Look at Paris Hilton - she doesn't limit herself to one holiday. Why should the rest of America's female population let it? If you want to be a slut - be a slut! Let your inner whore shine! But if you are just doing it to get attention and otherwise contribute to the degradation of today's woman, try using your imagination instead. You may be surprised what you will think of...
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