Monday, October 31, 2005

Pop Ploy?

Is it me, or does the "all new" Regular/Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper tastes just the same as Regular/Diet Dr. Pepper? I see no taste difference between the two. Are my taste buds really that worn out? Have I outgrown my abilities to distinguish between flavors?

I definitely agree that Diet Dr. Pepper tastes more like regular Dr. Pepper that it did before, and as a diet soda drinker I am definitely grateful for that. But what if Dr. Pepper's parent company Cadburry Schweppes for some reason is unable to create any other flavor except the Dr. Pepper flavor? Maybe they are just dicking with us now... MAYBE in an attempt to widen their market share, they say have created this brand except they are really filling all their cans with Dr. Pepper and just calling it by a different name!!

Or maybe I just cannot tell the difference... :)


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